Christmas Day is a day for celebrating birth and for families and loved ones to be together in peace. There would never be peace, ever again for JonBenét’s mother.

Can anyone put into words the pain that she must have endured when she saw her little girl’s mutilated, strangled, abused, bound, lifeless body that morning? All the joy that the family shared just a day earlier was now a memory, erased by the horror she was staring at. Could this be just a dream, a nightmare? This was reality. Her precious, beautiful baby was dead. All that was left was a three-page ransom note in exchange for her life. The first arrow hits its target.

Almost immediately after the child’s murder, the press started their relentless inquiries and probed into the parents’ private lives. They were stripped of the right to properly mourn the loss of their child. Everywhere they turned were photographers and police asking questions. Was there a place where a mother could go to release the anguish and pain in her heart and mourn the gruesome murder and untimely death of her little girl?

It seemed unlikely. There was no place they could go where the media could not track them down. Another arrow hits its target.

Then came the storm of brutal and unjust insinuations. Did she kill JonBenét? Did her husband kill JonBenét? Did her young son kill JonBenét? Did their older son kill JonBenét? Was there a sexual problem in the house? Was the mother jealous of JonBenét’s beauty and youth? It seemed the entire world wanted to know every single thread of their lives. Cruelly, with every new piece of information, the media twisted it like a piece of clay into evidence that pointed accusing fingers at the parents of this child. Another arrow hits its target.

Meanwhile, the killer goes free, to kill again!

• Is he YOUR neighbor?!

• Is he YOUR friend?!

• Is he teaching YOUR child?!

• Is he driving YOUR child’s school bus?!

• Is he YOUR child’s coach?!

          ~ OR ~ 

Is he simply attending an AA meeting in the same facility that caters to Girl Scouts for their troop meeting?

AGAIN, this fox is too close to the hen house!
Chapter 6
A Shower of Arrows