Six months earlier, in the heat of July, M’Linda had routinely taxied her son to and from his Karate class five days a week. He enjoyed the class and, just as many of the other parents, M’Linda enjoyed watching it. His sense of humor kept the parents laughing during breaks in the activity. He had quickly become a favorite of the small group of parents and grandparents who regularly watched over their offspring during the children’s class.

One day, on entering the school, something seemed different. M’Linda felt a terrible foreboding, a sense of evil. This was not normal for a Karate School where positive energy abounds. Holding her son tightly, she looked around the school to see what was different. After scanning the room for several minutes, she noticed a short, thin man seated on the bleachers, oozing evil! His back was toward her. She could not see any features except for his slight build and tangled mass of dirty brown hair. There was no doubt he was the source of the awful dark feeling she was now consumed by. Taking her son in tow, she approached the woman at the front desk. “Who is that man with the long hair? Is he a parent? He does not belong here. You need to get him out of here.” All the other parents had the same reaction to the man. However, none of them had been as aggressive about it. The woman asked M’Linda to step outside with her. In private, the woman stated that even she had an eerie feeling about this man but not as powerful as M’Linda’s apparent impression. She said they had no choice but to accept him as an adult member of the school until he gave them reason not to. M’Linda rebutted, “Then why is he here with the children?” The woman said that they would try to rectify this problem as soon as possible.

From this time on, all the parents remained with their children during the class. No longer would they run home to start dinner or to the local coffee shop just a few doors away to socialize. Everything changed after this man walked through the front doors.

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At one point her son was rewarded for doing an excellent job in his practice by being allowed to take an ornate sword from the wall and play “Power Ranger” with it. Almost immediately after he had the sword in his hand, this small six-year-old child found himself in grave danger.

The sword was a one-of-a-kind, miniature, hand-carved, hand-painted wood Karate Training Sword with the word KOREA scrolled in gold lettering.(This weapon would cause an 8 ½ inch long “V” shaped fractureif someone was struck on the top of the head with such a weapon. Remember the wound inflicted to JonBenét’s skull according to the autopsy report. To this date, the authorities have no clue as to what would cause such an injury. It was not a heavy duty flashlight nor a golf club.)

This frightening man bolted from the bleachers. He was enraged at the sight of this child playing with this magnificently crafted wooden sword. He forcibly grabbed the sword from the boy, and then violently thrust it at him, as if to stab the child’s abdomen. The boy instinctively jumped back out of harms way.

M’Linda immediately raced to her child. She put herself between her son and this dangerous man, grabbing the sword from his hand. She glared at him and screamed for all those present to hear, “Never, ever go near my child again!” With that M’Linda returned the sword to the wall mount, then wrapped her arm about her son pulling him in close to her and guiding him away from danger. As M’Linda was leaving with her son, she heard him say to the younger of his two constant companions, “all I need is five minutes alone with him and I’ll change his attitude.” M’Linda stopped in her tracks. She turned toward him and his friends. Without a word, volumes were spoken by the look in her eyes.

(Remember, the author of the ransom note refers to his two friendswho have the child.)

Filled with rage, M’Linda charged out the door with her son safely in tow. As she left, she wondered what he was going to do in five minutes to a six-year-old child that would change his attitude. (Is this his pattern, to attack six-year-old children?)

M’Linda later discussed this incident with the Karate instructor and emphatically stated that something needed to be done regarding this man’s presence during the children’s classes. The Karate teacher had a seemingly simple solution. Since the Karate classes were growing in size, the Karate teacher announced to both classes that for the safety of the children, only parents or guardians would be allowed to stay during the children’s classes.

Furthermore, any adults attending the adult class would have to arrive no earlier than five minutes before their class was to begin. This action did not stop him from arriving an hour before his class to stand leering at the children through the large picture windowlocated in the front area of the building. While M’Linda watched him on the other side of the glass, her thoughts drifted to envision a wild animal stalking its prey. Which one would he target to be the next victim of his animalistic behavior? That behavior she surmised was to hunt and terrorize his prey, then kill, for no other reason but to kill for the sake of killing.

The parents began congregating during the children’s classes to voice their concerns regarding this man. The level of anxiety reached the breaking point.Parents began to remove their children from the children’s class. The class size dwindled quickly because of the stranger amongst the children.

M’Linda could not help but wonder where this would all end. Would she later find out that the target had, in fact, been chosen from among the children of the class? She knew a child would be killed by the evil that walked in. She was determined it would not be hers or any of her son’s classmates.

*The local police had been asked to investigate the background of this new adult student, who alarmed all of the parents and caregivers of the children in the juvenile class. They received a simple response; “He’s harmless.”This was the result of an informal inquiry into the background of the new adult student. This same man later introduced his (2) inseparable companions into the adult class. Now the wolf pack consists of three.

Later M’Linda discovered that this same “harmless man” was arrested for assault and battery. He used an alias first and last name versus the name given to all his classmates of the Karate class. (People on the run or having something to hide use aliases.)

Chapter 2
Evil Walked In…