The Karate school always closes for Christmas vacation. Upon the return to classes, the instructor cheerfully asked each student, “So how was your holiday vacation? Did you have a good time?” However, when he asked him the same question, “Did Santa bring you your heart’s desire?” the instructor got the shock of his life. He turned around, snapped at him and said, “Don’t you ever bring that up again!”

He jumped into class and began aggressively performing the routines. Everyone in class was seeing a whole new side of this man. It was a very dark and dangerous side. He seemed to be filled with a wild anger that he could not contain or control. Near the end of class, he stormed out in a rage when another student responded with matching aggressiveness.

Everyone in the class was speechless over his irrational, emotional behavior. They wondered, what went wrong over his Christmas holiday, besides not collecting the $118,000! This amount was mentioned in the Ramsey Ransom note.

The reason the $118,000 was so important, was that this student had not paid his tuition at the Karate school. He assured the instructor that he was going to visit his family over the Christmas vacation, where he would receive this $118,000. From that money, he would then pay, not only his bill, but those of his (2) friends as well. However, he returned empty handed, filled with rage, filled with anger and looking for his next punching bag to take it all out on.

On their way home from the school, the Karate instructor and his wife were discussing his hostile and irrational behavior during class. While driving, they noticed a man standing by the bay looking around in a suspicious manner. The instructor yelled, “That looks like him.” His wife looked again and agreed. They both saw him deposit something in the water. He looked around again as if to see if he had been seen. At that point, the Karate instructor felt it best to leave; before this man saw them watching.

Sometime later, the Karate instructor told M’Linda he wished he had gone back to retrieve whatever was in the water. He has regretted not doing so ever since that day but it was too late now.

M’Linda also wondered just what was deposited in the water!Was it the key to this man’s Christmas vacation? Was it the key to his uncontrollable rage? M’Linda’s feelings are, it is both. A horrible key to an even more devastating secret was now hidden away in the depths of the water.Some secrets do have a way of surfacing. With the help of a professional diving team, it might be possible to discover his secret at the bottom of the bay.

M’Linda couldn’t begin to fathom, what it would take to enlist such experts to check the pilings beneath the restaurant at the point of the deposit.How high must a price be, before it is too high a price to pay, when it comes to solving the brutal murder of a child!?

Each individual must ask that question of themselves, their lawmakers and their judges and then, live with those answers.
Chapter 4
Christmas Vacation