On the morning after Christmas, a little girl’s body was found loosely bound in the basement of her family’s home. The coroner found an eight and one-half inch long, v-shaped skull fracture. She also had a white, synthetic cord wrapped around her throat leaving a deep ligature furrow. Small hemorrhages were found in her eyelids and around the ligature furrow. These hemorrhages showed that, despite the head injury, she was killed by strangulation.

She also bore a number of abrasions and contusions on her head, neck and shoulders. She had small rectangular marks that appear to have been caused by a stun gun.Finally, she had suffered abrasions to her vagina, indicative of sexual abuse.

JonBenét’s autopsy report acknowledged repeat scarring over time. The 3rd Santa told his classmates he makes routine Christmas trips to collect his inheritance from his father.

Notably, the white cord around her neck was tied at one end around a four and one-half inch tan-brown wooden stick, which had been broken at both ends. The stick had several colors of paint on it as well as glistening varnishon the surface. Hand-painted in gold on the stick was the word, “KOREA.”

Horizontally, undecipherable words, painted with black paint, added to the mysterious markings on the wooden stick. These markings are, in fact, Korean lettering for courage, strength and wisdom.

A palm printwas found on the door of the room where her lifeless body was abandoned. To this date, the owner of the palm print has not been identified. DNA was foundunder the child’s fingernails. The owner of the DNA has notyet been identified.

At this most joyous time of year, in the midst of celebrations with family and friends, a six-year-old child was taken from her own bed, sexually assaulted and brutally murdered in her own home, while her parents and brother slept nearby. A child, who like any other six-year-old was full of hopes, dreams and endless potential. A child who was innocently waiting for Santa’s Secret Visit After Christmas, only to be abused and then killed to satisfy the jealousyand rage of one perverse individual. This child told at least four other people that Santa had promised to visit her afterChristmas and bring her a special gift. A bear dressed in a Santa outfit was found in JonBenét’s home. To date, no one seems to know where it came from.

The red heart drawn on JonBenét’s left palmis similar to the one drawn by another young man on his teacher’s left palm as in a recent movie, All-American Girl: The Mary Kay Letourneau Story (2000) (TV), about a love affair between a Philippine student and his teacher. This student’s romantic explanation to the teacher regarding the meaning of the red heart is a real eye opener.

Criminal profilers have said that the murderer has spent a great deal of time watching movies. They added, various phrases used in the three-page ransom note are taken directly from movies such as John Wayne and Clint Eastwood films.

Remember:according to JonBenét’s autopsy report, in the “External Evidence of Injury” section, it is stated that, “the garrote has a length of a round tan-brown wooden stick which measured 4.5 inches in length. This wooden stick is irregularly broken at both ends and there are several colors of paint and apparent glistening varnish on the surface. Printed in gold letters on one end of the wooden stick is the word “KOREA.” The tail end of another word extends from beneath the loop of the cord ties around the stick and is not able to be interpreted.” (it is KOREAN lettering)

The foregoing description also matches a particular ornate miniature hand-carved, hand-painted solid wood Karate Training Sword coated in a glistening paint sealer.

Also mentioned in the autopsy report is a wound described as on the lower left neck just to the left of the midline, a roughly triangular abrasionthat measures 1.5 inches in length with a maximum width of 0.75 inches. This roughly triangular shaped abrasion is identical to a woundthat one would receive if struck with the butt end of the aforementioned wood Karate Training Sword. These facts are screaming to be investigated by those with open minds and conscientious attitudes.

None of us who have brought children into the world and raised them can know how to deal with such a loss. The best we can do is to protect them as diligently as possible and to pray that we never have to learn first hand about the pain that comes with losing a child. Protecting our precious children must extend to the capture, conviction and punishment of those who would prey upon them.

Statistics have shown that pedophiles and other predators upon children cannot be “treated” and “cured.” When caught, they must be rendered incapable of repeating unspeakable crimes.Why should they be given a second chance when their most helpless and innocent victims, our children, are not?

Why do predators have more protection by the law than our children do?For that matter, why do those who attack, torture or kill animals receive severe punishment while those who do the same to our children receive a minimum (if any) punishment packaged with an opportunity to repeat their original offense because we do not have “Truth in Sentencing.”For example, if a criminal’s sentence is 15 years, the criminal needs to serve every day of that sentence. Their victims are left serving a lifetime of pain, if they survived their attacker. Their families and other loved ones are also affected by the criminal’s actions.

If a criminal claims temporary insanity, the criminal needs to be removed from society while being treated for the alleged condition and then the criminal needs to face the consequences of his actions by imprisonment. In essence, by pleading temporary insanity, the criminal will be imprisoned twice. This would be a major deterrent.
Chapter 5
An Act of Cowardice